Well we have officially kicked off the 2020 Ice Fishing Season. We had our first group go to Upper Red Lake they rented a sleeper Ice Castle and parked it on shore and fished for 3 days over last weekend. They said the fishing for them was a little slower on the south shore. They ended up walking out 2 miles to get away from the crowds and had better fishing. Today I did a fly over Upper Red Lake to check out the Ice formation. The reports for the most part are 8-12 inches with much less in the spots that recently froze you can see these places in the pictures. Also noticed Cracks in several locations. If you decide to venture over any cracks I suggest having a back up plan or a portable bridge of your own. Listen to the resorts for safety as they usually know best. If the snow stays off the Ice I could see some great Ice making conditions over the next week. I also noticed a fair amount of resorts have started to bring out the wheel houses. I saw ATVs and Side by Sides out. As far as Wright and Meeker County Lakes we are starting to get some walkable ice. If you are wanting to do your own thing and go to a lake of your choice we offer a Hook and Go option with Ice Houses. Remember check ice as you go for safety. I have fell through the ice a few times over the years and its not fun. This is a good time of the year to have your Ice Picks Handy. I also took some Pictures of Leech Lake they are the pictures are posted last.