Upper Red Lake has around 2-3 inches of ice! We will have sleeper ice houses on shore for sleeping arrangements and portable fishing until we get 12 inches of ice the big shacks will go out. In the Meeker and Wright County areas lakes are locking up. Smaller lakes that have had protection from wind seem to be about 90% locked up with a inch of ice. Lake Washington south of Darwin looked to be mostly locked up with a few open spots. I expect most deeper lakes to start freezing over tonight. Next live fishing reports! Picture below is of Lake Washington Meeker County.
Guide (320) 310-9089, Business line (320) 310-9089
984 Elm St. East Annandale MN 55302
Latest Fishing Reports
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- January 11th, 2021 Fishing Report and Ice ConditionsJanuary 11, 2021 - 1:51 pm
- 12/30/2020 Fishing Report and Ice ReportDecember 31, 2020 - 1:07 am
- January 25th, 2020 Ice Report and Fishing ReportDecember 24, 2020 - 4:52 pm
- December 9th, 2020 Ice and Fishing Report Upper Red Lake Fly OverDecember 10, 2020 - 12:32 am